New Ticketing Website

New Ticketing Website

We have recently launched a new ticking site that incorporates a whole new ticketing system.


We have launched a ticketing website that incorporates a whole new ticketing system. AccessUKTickets is a portal that enables promoters to register, add an event and then sell tickets to that event through the website.

We have done a number of ticketing sites previous to this but we felt that the time was right for an overhaul of the system that runs our ticket websites and so we decided to invest that time on this particular site. In terms of the changes made, we rewrote the system in the PHP language (previously it was classic ASP). We moved to a MYSQL database and used technologies such as SASS, angular and XML.

The website interface was redesigned and rewritten to be much more user friendly and intuitive. The CMS that we put in place is a far better system than previously used. It is quicker, more secure and only uses the database to store information that needs to be stored in a database, otherwise it uses HTML files.

This is now the system that we will use for future ticketing portal websites. Obviously please do get in touch if you are looking into starting a website project around events and ticketing. We will be able to use the scripts we currently have to build your site more easily.
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